Great Inspire

30 Tiny Miniature Photography by Fiddle Oak

Zev Hoover aka is a 14-year-old boy who draws an attention of everyone by his innovative miniature photos through flicker with the username Fiddle Oak. He is from Natick, Massachusetts. His Interests are Photography, builds and flies model airplanes, and dreams about going to college to study art or graphic design.

When he is eight year old his mother put a camera in his hands and told him about f-stops (which are used to measure diameter of aperture). With this little bit of knowledge he created magical wonderland images.

One day Whiles he walks in the woods along with his sister he thought ‘’wouldn’t little people be cool’’. He imagined seeing world from their perspective and felt miniature had never been done in photography. This made him to create tiny miniature photographs.

The Idea behind his miniature photos are given by his sister Nell Aliza who is 18 year old. He edits photo images in Photoshop to make normal people size to appear in tiny looks. The process involves capturing the background, shrinking photos of people in similar lighting, manipulating the images in Photoshop and editing color schemes so that it all matches.

His first camera was a cheap point-and-shoot. Now he shoots with a Nikon D7000. He spends 8-10 hours in front of the computer until he gets desired effects. His supernatural artworks reflect a sophisticated and complex relationship with the natural and human-made world. In “Natural Environment” artwork he holds the green leaf and swinging.

Fiddle Oak / Little Folk image is a big hit which bought online fame to him. In “Summer Tales” he and his sister sits on a Popsicle stick raft on a pond at night. In one photo a miniature boy sits comfortably inside the shell of an acorn. A tiny boy standing in the paper boat. Like wise he has done numerous tiny miniatures which attracted many of eyes.

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