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35 Cute Miniature Pig Pictures

A miniature pig is sometimes called as potbellied pig, a breed which is developed for medical research and also as pets. Europe was the first to use miniature pig for medical research and later then to United States in 1980. The history of miniature pig started in 1980. In earlier days Pig was about 200 pounds used for medical research like pharmacology, organ transplantation and much more. This miniature pig was then later in to the research. In mid 1980, the Bowmansville Zoo in Ontario had bought twenty miniature pigs to Canada, which leads to the foundation of Potbellied Pig in North America.

Then by 1990 and 2000, the miniature pig raised in the market, since most of the wealthy person used them as pets. This breed potbellied pig had made the confusion of existence of this breed and finally the registration was dissolved in 1990.

Miniature pigs are also known as teacup pigs, micro pigs, mini pigs and these are intelligent and good house trained pets. On the other side Guinea pigs, this is also said to be Cavy which was most likely to Cavia tschudii. Around 5000BC, the common Guinea pigs were used as food and also there is an evidence of Guinea pigs into the art by Moche people of ancient Peru and they worshiped it. This is also said to be little pig. These Guinea pigs are not wild and easily maintainable and most of them today used to have this little pig as their pet. They will always in a group and they search for the food is little hard. The same was used in various parts of the world according to their circumstances, since some used to have as their food. In our showcase we have filled some of the best and beautiful Miniature and Guinea pigs for you. Is this pet makes you interesting?

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