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8 Branding Tips for Photographers

Just as with any business, large or small, branding is incredibly important for photographers. It could even be argued that it’s more important, since effective branding is one of the main factors that contributes to the growth of a business.

Your brand is made up of everything that you are, everything you do, and everyone you do it for. It includes your customer interactions, your presence in your community, and your personality and goals as a company.

Does that sound overwhelming?

Let’s take it one aspect at a time, with these eight branding tips for photographers.

Photography Inspired Logo Design

Logos are a logical place to start with, since many people think a logo is a brand. (Here’s a hint, it isn’t.) A logo is a significant part of a brand, but not the entirety of the brand itself.

Logos are more like the visual representation of a brand, the brand in a nutshell. They’re what people usually see first, and often what they remember.

For a photographer, a camera-inspired logo is sort of a no-brainer. But that doesn’t mean you have to think inside the box. Consider Instagram’s icon as an example of a unique take on the camera-inspired logo.

If you’re less into creating logos than you are into photographing things, take a look at sites like to design a customized photography logo for your business.

Photo-Friendly Portfolio Website

Along with the design of your logo, your website design also says a lot about your brand. Of course, you want to be both user friendly and unique. You want your website to be functional, but you also want it to state your personality.

A heavily recommended take on this is a portfolio website.

Portfolio websites do contain the relevant information for your business, such as pricing, specialties, contact information, and so on. But they’re more about the focus on your work, letting your visitors see what you can do.

One caution is to keep it simple, and limit the amount of your work that you display. It’s unlikely that someone is going to want to scroll through page after page of your photos. A portfolio website is simply a sampling of your skills.

Signature Series

Something that might be featured on your portfolio website, however, is a signature series.

Do you have a particular interest in photographing from a certain angle? Or a certain subject? Or do you like to include a “goofy” photo or a candid along with your set-up shots?

A signature series is a series that focuses on your interest, allowing you to further illustrate your personality and the tone of your brand.

Use Social Media

Marketing can be a constant battle, especially if you have a small business. It’s almost like you may not have time to market and to actually work.

Social media is a fast, streamlined way to gather followers and encourage interaction. It’s also another way to showcase your talents as a photographer.

Create accounts on sites like Facebook and Instagram, and set aside half an hour a few times a week to post content and engage in conversations with your clients and followers.

If you have a special talent for a certain type of photography, showcase this through your website and social media accounts.

It may be a good idea to offer discounts for this type of photography, such as 20% off for a set of baby photos.

Community Outreach

For small businesses, the personal connection makes a big difference.

Check out your local community calendar, volunteer, and put in a presence at events for free advertising and awareness.

Don’t box yourself in when it comes to your audience.

Research into who your customers are likely to be is always a good idea, but it doesn’t have to stop there. Through networking and events, always be on the lookout for new niche markets.

Remember, You’re The Brand!

For a small company, especially photography, remember that you are the brand. Your personality is what will make the connection, just as your skills will create the sale.

People appreciate unique flair and individualism. Don’t be afraid to let your photography, and your company, reflect who you truly are.

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