Great Inspire

Campervan vs Tent

Welcome to Australia! Where the sky’s hot, the water’s hot, and, well, everything except for the beer is kind of hot.

In all seriousness if you’ve forked out the money to visit us, or are at least investigating visiting us, you know we’re actually a diverse country with many climates, landscapes, and people. Visit the ancient Bungle Bungles in the Kimberley in Western Australia, the cosmopolitan cities lush with coffee and elegance, and everywhere in between – but how are you going to get around?

Many people who come to Australia camp their way around our great landscape, which is the perfect way to experience it. If you get the season right, it’s a comfortable way to encounter all that our beautiful country has to offer. Be mesmerised by the stars in the Northern Territory, or find a site close to salty waves lapping against the sand in Far North Queensland – no matter what you like you’re sure to find your piece of paradise by camping. More and more people are turning to campervans instead of tents for their practicality and price, any here is why you should too:

You can hire a campervan

Hiring is a much more practical solution than buying, especially if you are travelling from overseas. Don’t max out your (increasingly limited) check in luggage with a tent and a pot, just hire it! Campervan hire is a common practice is Australia and it is easy to find the right product to suit your budget and time here.

You won’t get wet

Most tents claim to be waterproof, and many are, but trust me when I tell you: you really don’t want to test that out in a Queensland thunderstorm.

You can lock a campervan

Campsites are usually pretty friendly places, but that doesn’t mean that they’re immune to theft or light fingered people. Having a campervan that you can lock your possessions in means you won’t be distracted on a beautiful 3 hour hike to a waterfall. Unlike a tent, your campervan can be left in its location and securely locked until you return.

You don’t have to set up a campervan over, and over, and over…

Unless you’re in one location for your entire stay in Australia, putting up and taking down your tent at each new site is going to get old, fast. A campervan can be driven to the site and, if it’s got a good layout, is ready to go.

Some have pop-top functionalities, or couches that transform into beds to save space, but it’s still a lot less effort that fighting with poles less compliant than tangled Christmas lights.

When you drive into a campsite that is pouring rain, and your poor neighbour is trying to figure out which end of the tent is the door, drink your hot chocolate and think back to this article. You’ll know you made the right choice.

A campervan is easy to clean

A dustpan, brush and a cloth is all you need to keep your campervan feeling like a home. A tent is like a one way valve – once the sand is in, it never seems to leave. The same goes for bugs.

You can stop wherever you want

A sleepy driver is an unsafe driver, and your life (and your limbs!) are too important to risk just because you had a rubbish night’s sleep. A campervan gives you the option to pull over for a power nap or the entire night when you need to.

Campervans look cool

Ok fine, you’ve got me. I’m so vein, but they really do look cool.

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