Great Inspire

Imaginary Branding Slogans by Clif Dickens

Branding the slogans which is more important to define and which provides the capability to express their product. There are various popular brands all over the world. Clif Dickens had created some of the fun branding products that we know and he created for fun on his own imagination. Creating some fun on the branding names for fun and some are little honest for the product adds the internet resources. His work was really simple, but the imagination of the keyword points on his work takes the hold for the best and sure for its popularity.

Today in our showcase we have added some the best and beautiful imagination branding quotes for famous products by Clif Dickens. Hope you enjoyed the way it expressed. Add your ideas to the comment page and express your ideas about the product. This is for fun and shares your ideas.

BIC- You Probably didnot buy it

Candy Crush Saga – the game version of pure cocaine

Crayola – the white one is useless

Dannon Activa – helps you poop

Gillette – We’re just going to keep adding more blades

Google – just try using another search engine

IKEA – We Throw in extra parts just to mess with you

iTunes – i have not read the terms and conditions

Lays – Flavored Air

Lego-the bane of your foots existence

Linked in – Connect with people for no reason at all

M – Because you only have $4

Maybelline – Maybe it’sphotoshop

Monopoly – A great way to ruin friendships

NETFLIX – Spend more time searching than actually watching

Old Spice – Smell like granpa

PEPSI – When there’s no Coke

Perrier – rich people water

Twister – Spin your way to Second base

Urban outfitters – pay money to look homeless

Victoria’s Secret – Lowering a woman’s self-esteem since 1977

we serve you decaf if you’re rude

WebMD – Convince yourself that you have a terminal illness

Wikipedia – You’re welcome college students


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