Great Inspire

20 Fusion of Flora and Fauna by Ellen jewett

Ellen was born in Markham Ontario, Canada. She started shaping things naturally in 3 dimension at a very young age. She completed her post secondary degree in Anthropology and Fine Art (Honours) and while finishing undergraduate she worked in exotic animal care and was teaching class on stop motion animation. By the time she presented her thesis, her academic and artistic in biology were congenitally combined.

Ellen got lot of awards and done exhibition of her breathtaking sculptures, now she is looking forward to be a best sculptor in the world. She has tried to look in a different dimension by combing innumerable small and tiny components, to form a animal(fauna) shape with the plants(flora). In her each sculpture the look gives a complexity in design and simplicity in the resultant. Each detail in it is done with free handed as her signature which are present in large number in the whole sculpture. Below what you are seeing may be look a big in size but many of her sculptures are in miniature size. If u like them you can buy them and have a very close look, but before doing so don’t forget to comment.

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